[I just love disclaimers, so I couldn’t really resist the urge to have my own. I even added a useless button so that it would look cooler. I’m sure you know all of this already but in a world where people sue someone when they burn themselves with hot coffee (imagine that!) you can’t be really sure. So…]

All thoughts and opinions expressed on this page are my own, and don’t necessarily reflect the thoughts and opinions of the company where I work, the people I hang out with or the universe itself. Also, I’m (unfortunately) not being paid to say or write anything, so I’m just doing it out of sheer altruism. If that situation changes, I’ll let you know.

The information provided is given in good faith at what I believe to be true at the time of writing. It may very well happen that upon realizing something was wrong, I will just be too lazy to update it. Be warned.

Whatever I suggest in the tutorials you do at your own risk, so don’t look at me for any apps crashing, renders not being saved or what have you.

Also, the potential scripts and tools I might be sharing in the future are provided AS-IS [you’ll know that term from any time anyone tried to sell you something they’re not sure actually works]. I assume no responsibility for absolutely anything that might happen with whatever you’re working on.

There. Now that is clear, enjoy the site. 😉